As a Financial Advisor, you may not be aware of the most important asset you have available to you. It’s Social Capital.
The way to understand Social Capital is by thinking about your relationships with your best quality clients. They trust you with their financial assets. But do they trust you enough to bring you into their circle by warmly introducing you to the quality people they know, people who are just like them?
That’s Social Capital. It leverages your relationships with your best quality clients into warm, personally introduced and endorsed appointments with their quality friends and colleagues.
Social Capital introductions bear no resemblance to standard referrals. These are high quality introductions from your best quality clients, your best Centers Of Influence.
So, how do you acquire Social Capital?
It’s driven by having a compelling Remarkable Marketing Story (see post – The Bad News. Your Marketing Story May Suck!) that subtly addresses your clients’ Worldview of Financial Advisors and the Financial Industry – that they are Darth Vader’s working for the Evil Empire. (see Darth Vader post)
A compelling Remarkable Marketing Story is what moves your best quality clients to share your story with their quality circle of friends and colleagues. It opens the door to consistent high quality personal introductions and high quality appointments on an ongoing basis.