The Simple Business Plan For 2025 And Beyond:

Focus on building a large book filled with predominantly quality clients

 Focus on building a large book filled with predominantly quality clients

If you are an Experienced Financial Advisor, you can quickly learn to comfortably grow your revenue and your income on an ongoing basis by transforming your Quality Clients, the clients you’d love to replicate, into incredibly productive Centers of Influence… within weeks.


It’s easy!

With a simple phone call, you can immediately determine who of your quality clients will give you “permission” to discuss personal introductions and warm referrals to their high-quality relationships.


Nearly every client will agree!


Industry research focusing on Centers of Influence reveals that quality clients who provide personal introductions and warm referrals to their high-quality relationships are by far the most productive centers of influence.


It also indicates that accessing your best clients’ quality relationships is the most practical and effective way to grow your revenue, profits, and the value of your business.


You may be what we call a Pareto Rule Advisor. Pareto Rule Advisors derive + / – 80% of their revenue from a small percentage, +/- 20%, of their clients.

Most Pareto Rule Advisors want more growth as long as it’s quality growth. Yet they continue trying to grow their business by doing the same thing over and over again expecting different results.

It’s kind of insane.

Client-centric businesses require a robust “quality prospect pipeline” in order to achieve significant growth on an ongoing basis. However, if you look around, the numbers show very few have this “quality prospect pipeline” in place.

Why, and here’s the insane part, it’s because the traditional lead generation, marketing, and referral strategies – which have been practiced for decades by most of these businesses – produce a small number (+/- 20%) of new quality clients. There is growth but the growth is sluggish. (The Pareto Rule).

Most leaders either don’t know how to break away from this model or they may be afraid.

The insanity can stop.

It’s true that Leaders have reasons to be skeptical. Many have been burned by expensive “growth guru” programs that promised the moon and the stars and delivered very little. It’s understandable that new ideas and change can feel risky.

However, if leaders are willing to park their skepticism and research different approaches, they will find there is a simple and far more productive way to grow the business and it can be tested.

But growth requires a little risk – being open to new ideas, no matter how “different” they may seem.