To increase productivity and revenue in today’s attention deficit world, understanding and respectfully addressing a person’s “Worldview” is the payment we must make to get their attention.

These people, who are your quality best clients and quality prospects have some pretty strong opinions about you. However, you have the power to turn them into your best trumpeters… Client Advocates.

Several years ago we conducted a series of focus groups across the U.S. We spoke to a variety of people who are just like your clients.

We learned that Financial Advisors and the Industry are perceived in a rather unflattering light; “used car salesmen”, “in it for themselves” and “just want to get their hands on my money” were among the comments we heard.

But the one that really stuck with us was this: “They are all a bunch of Darth Vader’s, working for the Evil Empire”.


Face it. This is the market’s predominant “Worldview.” And no matter how much you protest or try to persuade otherwise, people can’t seem to get past that hard mask.

Many simply assume that Financial Advisors only have a selfish interest.

Is that unfair? Probably. But whether conscious or unconscious, it’s an ingrained stereotype, a go-to perception.

When Advisors effectively address the “Darth Vader Complex”, productivity and revenue consistently increase far beyond the norm.

Matthew G Bellis
Simple, Permission Based Quality Client Acquisition