Developing Social Capital Is Incredibly Important

Social Capital is the key to developing Client Advocates. It’s an asset Advisors already possess, but when left unused, it represents a significant loss of opportunity.

The best way to understand Social Capital is by thinking about your relationships with your clients.

Your clients trust you with their financial assets. However, do they trust you enough to go far beyond referrals, to warmly and personally introduce you to their circle of friends and colleagues, people who are just like them?

That’s Social Capital, the outcome of the strong relationships you already have with most of your best clients.

So, how do you activate your Social Capital?

A compelling story, not a tradition story, is what differentiates you and makes you remarkable.  It’s what will move many of your qualified clients to become Client Introducers, advocates who will share your story with their qualified circle – sharing with them who you are, not telling them what you do.

Matthew G Bellis
Simple, Permission Based Quality Client Acquisition