Dormant Asset Development

Dormant Asset Development is the key to consistent, long lasting growth.

It’s a simple and effective way for Advisors to create and maintain dramatic increases in productivity, revenue, and growth on an ongoing basis… and it can be quickly learned without interrupting their daily routine.

Develop Dormant Assets.

Every Advisor, no matter their annual revenue, has them.  These assets dwarf the assets Advisors have in hand.

What are Dormant Assets?

They are the personally endorsed, new, warm introductions and first appointments with the high quality friends and colleagues of an Advisor’s current and future best clients… the very clients Advisors dream of duplicating.

So, how does an Advisor activate their Dormant Assets?

Advisors identify and develop their Dormant Assets by leveraging their relationships with their best clients.

It begins by having a compelling marketing story (see post – The Bad News. Your Marketing Story May Suck!)

A compelling marketing story differentiates you and makes you remarkable.

Developing Dormant Assets is a simple process that quickly begins to yield great results.